At last October's Kingston stamp show I came home with some good buys including a cigar box that I bought from the Kingston Stamp Club consignment table. A quick peek revealed two things: it was quite full, and it had some GOOD stuff inside.
Most of the winter's stamps went to get soaked, sorted, and various dispositions like traders and donations. The cigar box's turn had finally come! Before the sort began:
I did an initial sort, removing what I didn't want to keep. Then it was time to sort the British Commonwealth, a lot of South Africa, South-West Africa, Mauritius and more that I would be keeping for my collection! Lots of Denmark, Norway and some unusual US.
I often use a Michaels lap desk for sorting. It has an edge around it and is high enough to reduce neck strain. Before (above) and after (below) - from top left: RSA/SWA, US, Denmark, Norway, everything else and at bottom right British Commonwealth new and B.C. older:
Not to mention the cigar box itself - a real work of art and surprisingly difficult to open. That's probably what kept it safe and sealed all these years until I purchased it for the princely sum of five bucks. I'm not going to count the stamps, nor estimate the number this 'stogie stow' contained. It was a ton o' fun! Thanks to the collector that squirrelled these away and put them on the consignment table!